
Young Adult Friendly Recommendations

The Only Living Boy by David Gallaher and Steve Ellis

Jikoshia by Emily R. Gillis

Little Guardians by Lee Cherolis and Ed Cho

Other Recommendations

This is a running list of comics and comic sites by mentors, friends, and awesome comickers.

Spindrift Comic
Spindrift by Elsa Kroese and Charlotte English

Crankrats by Katherine Ellis

Lackadaisy by Tracy Butler

Elephant Eater Comics by Ryan Claytor

Howling at the Gates by Shayna Pond and Rob Vollmar

Ianuae by Julia Wright and Amanda Gomes

Delivery by K.S. Brenowitz

dream*scar by Heather Meade 

100 Days of Night by Anastasia Symeonidou and Mariló Delgado

Puck by ElectricGecko **Fair Warning: This one's for the adults.

Link to the Spiral

Just be sure to link to!


This is a list of resources I've used for my comic so far.

  • Blambot:  Comic lettering and fonts.  95% of the fonts appearing in Infinite Spiral come from this awesome resource.
  • Scott McCloud:  Most pages I am referencing "Making Comics" what can I say?
  • Elephant Eater Comics- Ryan Claytor ran the comics class that kicked all this off.  His site is chock full of sage advice and goodies for budding comic artists and writers.
  • Square City Comics- Square City Comics is a group of independent comic artists and writers based in the greater Wash., DC area.